FORTH & Arduino / ESP32


In our articles, reference is made to different versions of the language FORTH (AmForth, FlashForth, GForth ...).

All of these versions are licensed GNU. Ref: Licence publique générale GNU

So you can download, install, use all these versions on your computer and / or on an ARDUINO card with no transfer of fees and no special conditions.

The GNU/GPL license does not give you the right to monetize the source and executable codes marked under this license.

You are authorized to monetize your own achievements, articles, books if these products are the fruit of your labors.

The GNU / GPL license exploits the principle of sharing and collaboration. If you profit know-how in files marked GNU, reciprocity is expected from you by sharing your achievements, even modest.

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Use an assembler for FlashForth

The FORTH language (including FlashForth) is partially written in assembly language. FlashForth has a powerful assembler allowing the programmer to write new words which will be addressed directly to the processor.

Xassembler vocabulary for Atmega

The metacompilation process often has to use assembly language to define FORTH primitives that cannot be written in FORTH language. Here, we will integrate an assembler for Atmega processors on the gForth version (Windows, Linux ...).

Introduction to metacompilation in FORTH

Metacompilation is undoubtedly the height of complexity but also of intelligence in programming. The goal of metacompilation is to redefine from a given system the entirety of a new system.

FORTH: books and online documentation

Discover a selection of books devoted to the FORTH language. All of these books are downloadable.

MyFFshell: the FORTH compilation at very high speed

The MyFFshell.exe program marks a major evolution in the tools allowing development in FORTH on ARDUINO boards. MyFFshell. has been successfully tested for FlashForth, but we think it can work very well with other versions of the FORTH language, both for ARDUINO cards, but also for other programmable cards in FORTH language ...

String variables

FlashForth has single and double precision integers, but does not natively handle string variables. The word STRING provides an elegant solution.

Operation of the UART0 serial port on ARDUINO cards

Before creating complex mounts that require the use of a serial port, it is important to understand how the rx0 / tx0 serial port is operated by FlashForth. These explanations are valid for other FORTH versions as well as ARDUINO cards programmed in C language.