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Install and use the Tera Term terminal

published: 15 September 2020 / updated 15 September 2020

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Instal Tera Term

The English page for Tera Term is here:

Go to the download page, get the exe or zip file:

Install Tera Term. Installation is quick and easy.

Setting up Tera Term

To communicate with your Arduino boards, you need to set certain parameters:

For a comfortable display:

For readable characters:

Using Tera Term

Once configured, close Tera Term.

Connect your Arduino board to an available USB port on your PC.

Relaunch Tera Term, then click on file -> new connection

Select the serial port:

If all went well, you should see this:

Compile source code in Forth language

First of all, remember that the FORTH language is on the Arduino board! FORTH is not on your PC. So, one cannot compile the source code of a program in FORTH language on the PC.

To compile a program in FORTH language, you must first open a source file on the PC with the editor of your choice.

Next, we copy the source code to compile. Here, an open source code with PSPAD:

Select the source code or the portion of code that interests you. Then click on copy. The selected code is in the PC's edit buffer.

Click on the Tera Term terminal window. Click Paste:

You just have to validate by clicking on OK and the code will be interpreted and / or compiled.

To run a compiled code, all you have to do is type the word FORTH to start, from the Tera Term terminal. Example: launching words (predefined word from the FORTH dictionary: