ARDUINO ports: manage a push button

published: 29 March 2025 / updated 29 March 2025

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article: 29 mai 2019 / mis à jour 30 juin 2019

We will use a push button:

push button data sheet

The one we use has 4 terminals, but its operation does not differ from that shown in the diagram above.

Caution: do not confuse physical connector numbers and pin numbers

On the ARDUINO cards, the physical connectors are marked, some by numbers, others by their function, example: GND, TX, RX, 5V, etc ...

The mapping for associating pin numbers with physical connectors is in this document:
 Pin out map on ARDUINO DUE
 Pin out map on ARDUINO MEGA 2560
 Pin out map on ARDUINO MICRO
 Pin out map on ARDUINO NANO
 Pin out map on ARDUINO UNO
 Pin out map on ARDUINO YUN

For example, the led '13' which is connected to the ARDUINO MEGA board with the physical terminal 13 is related to the PIN 26. In all our texts, the term "pin" will always refer to PIN code XX as referenced in the technical documents of ARDUINO cards. The mention of a physical connector will be done with the term 'terminal'. Example:

  PIN 19 (terminal 53) (penultimate terminal, all at the bottom, left on an ARDUINO MEGA 2560 board)

To learn more about how to program the connectors of the different ARDUINO boards:
Understanding ARDUINO card connectors

Manage a push button

This button is connected to pin 12 (the one just before LED 13 / pin 13). here is the code to read its state:

37 constant PORTB    \ définition registre PORT du port B 
36 constant DDRB     \ définition registre DDR  du port B 
35 constant PINB     \ définition registre PIN  du port B 
: .pin12 ( ---) 
    PINB c@ .        \ lecture registre PIN du port B 

Our word .pin12 is very simple. It reads the contents of the Port B PIN register. When using .pin12 for the first time, you must initialize the DDR register:

0 DDRB c!            \ initialise tout le registre DDR du port B en entrée données 
.pin12               \ empile 128 --> valeur à vide pin 13 

Now, let's press the push button and then rerun .pin12:

.pin12               \ empile 192 

Let's look at what these values give in binary:

(128) 10000000
(192) 11000000

We have set the bit that has been modified red. This is the 7th bit whose mask, in binary is 01000000...

Well? This is the same mask we used to define pin12 in this article:
\ définition pinXX ...
PORTB $40 defPIN: pin12

The hex value 40 equal 01000000 in binary.

Manage the button in simple push

So, to know if it is the AND button only the push button connected to the pin 12 that is activated, we will define the word pin12?:

: pin12? ( --- fl) 
    PINB c@          \ empile contenu registre PIN du port B 
    $40 and          \ ET logique avec masque 01000000 pin 12 
    0=               \ si nul 
        false        \ empile FALSE 
        true         \ empile TRUE 

The word pin12? performs a push test of the connected push button to pin 12. If the button is not pressed, stack 0, otherwise stack 65535. the value 65535 ands the numeric value for true. We will use this to turn on a led on port C.

To tap the button connected to pin 12, let's rewrite the LED management connected to pine 30:

40 constant PORTC	\ Port C Data Register 
39 constant DDRC	\ Port C Data Direction Register 
38 constant PINC	\ Port C Input Pins 
: init-ddrc ( ---)      \ initialise PORTC en SORTIE sur tous les bits 
    $ff DDRC c!         \ active pins en sortie sur PORT C 
: pin30on ( ---) 
    PORTC c@ 
    $80 or              \ OU logique avec valeur récupérée sur PORTC 
    PORTC c! ; 
: pin30off ( ---) 
    PORTC c@ 
    $80 $ff xor and     \ OU eXclusif puis AND pour mettre à 0 8ème bit 
    PORTC c! ; 

Wiring diagram of our push button:

push button management on pin 12

Running pin30on turns on the LED, pin30off turn off the LED:

init-ddrc       \ initialise PORTC en SORTIE sur tous les bits 
pin30on         \ allume LED sur pin 30 
pin30off        \ éteint LED sur pin 30 

And now, a little indefinite loop to turn on and off the LED:

: allumeLED ( ---) 
        pin12?          \ bouton activé 
            pin30on     \ si oui, allume LED 
            pin30off    \ si non, éteint LED 
    until ; 

One runs allumeLED: pressing the push button turns on the LED, releasing the same button turns off the LED.

The complete listing is available here.