ARDUINO ports: K2000 maze

published: 29 May 2019 / updated 30 June 2019

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article: 29 mai 2019 / mis à jour 30 juin 2019

Manage multiple pins simultaneously

Let's go back to our management of traffic lights. In this code, we manage each pin separately:

: pin13-on ( ---) 
    pin13 HIGH digitalWrite ; 
: pin13-off ( ---) 
    pin13 LOW digitalWrite ; 
: pin12-on ( ---) 
    pin12 HIGH digitalWrite ; 
: pin12-off ( ---) 
    pin12 LOW digitalWrite ; 
: pin11-on ( ---) 
    pin11 HIGH digitalWrite ; 
: pin11-off ( ---) 
    pin11 LOW digitalWrite ; 

With this code, the disadvantage is that you must then sequentially manage each fire:

: feux-tricolores ( ---) 
    \ valeurs 3000 500 et 3000 corespondent au délai en millisecondes 
    \ d'activation de chaque feu. 
    3000 feu-vert 
    500  feu-orange 
    3000 feu-rouge ; 
\ feux-tricolores exécute un seul cycle de feux 

We wrote the code of the word digitalWrite so as not to alter the condition of the other pines. This is interesting for more general applications, but in the special case of managing our traffic light, the simultaneous crash of several bits in the PORTB register may be unproductive.

Caution: do not confuse physical connector numbers and pin numbers

On the ARDUINO cards, the physical connectors are marked, some by numbers, others by their function, example: GND, TX, RX, 5V, etc ...

The mapping for associating pin numbers with physical connectors is in this document:
 Pin out map on ARDUINO DUE
 Pin out map on ARDUINO MEGA 2560
 Pin out map on ARDUINO MICRO
 Pin out map on ARDUINO NANO
 Pin out map on ARDUINO UNO
 Pin out map on ARDUINO YUN

For example, the led '13' which is connected to the ARDUINO MEGA board with the physical terminal 13 is related to the PIN 26. In all our texts, the term "pin" will always refer to PIN code XX as referenced in the technical documents of ARDUINO cards. The mention of a physical connector will be done with the term 'terminal'. Example:

  PIN 19 (terminal 53) (penultimate terminal, all at the bottom, left on an ARDUINO MEGA 2560 board)

To learn more about how to program the connectors of the different ARDUINO boards:
Understanding ARDUINO card connectors

Overwrite multiple values

We will see how, in FORTH language, to overwrite several bits in a port register on our Arduino board. But before that, a little reminder about binary coding for those who are not used to this coding.

Recall on binary coding

FORTH is both a low-level language because some words are pretty close to the machine code. But FORTH is also a language of high level because the definition of easy-to-understand words is fast.

In the rest of this article, we will do many manipulations of low level and using a maximum of binary coding.

Binary coding makes it possible to understand the values ​​that we inject into the registers AtMega micro-controller ports.

Numeric values ​​on eight bits (one byte) are ALWAYS located in an interval 0..255 in decimal. The value 256 exceeds 8 bits. If you count the number of valeus located between 0 and 255, you have 256 values.

We have three words in FORTH on the Arduino board to change the number base:

The lowest value that a byte can take is 0 (zero), regardless of the number base.

The highest value that a byte can take is 255, regardless of the numeric base:

decimal 255 bin .   \ display 11111111 
decimal  32 bin .   \ display 100000 

Here, the value 32 gives in binary 100000. To have 8 bits, one supplements mentally the left part with the missing 0s:00100000

The same test in hexadecimal:

decimal 255 hex .   \ display ff 
decimal  32 hex .   \ display 20 

Here! So you can easily convert binary to decimal or hexadecimal:

bin 11100000 decimal .   \ display 224 
bin 11100000 hex     .   \ display e0 

Let's go back to our traffic light. So we're going to turn on the green LED, but by turning off the other two LEDs. The red LED is connected to pin 13, the yellow LED at pin 12 and the green LED at pin 11:

00100000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED verte   éteint les autres 
01000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED jaune   éteint les autres 
10000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED rouge   éteint les autres 

Let's define a word cycleFr to manage a fire cycle as managed in France:

: attente-normale 1000 ms ;          \ tempo une seconde 
: attente-courte   300 ms ;          \ tempo 3/10ème seconde 
: cycle-fr ( ---) 
    00100000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED verte   éteint les autres 
    01000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED jaune   éteint les autres 
    10000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED rouge   éteint les autres 

We can immediately test the word cycle-fr:

11100000 DDRB c!   \ met pin 11 à 13 en SORTIE 
cycle-fr           \ exécute un cycle de feux 

The red light stays on. it's normal. But if we put cycle-en in a loop, the lighting of the green LED turns off the red LED:

: feux ( ---) 
    $e0 DDRB c!  \ E0 in hexa is same as 11100000 in binary 
    key? until  
    $00 PORTB ! 

Defining a German trafic lighr is hardly more complicated:

: cycle-de ( ---) 
    00100000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED verte   éteint les autres 
    01000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED jaune   éteint les autres 
    10000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED rouge   éteint les autres 
    11000000 PORTB c!  \ allume LED jaune et rouge   éteint les autres 

The complete listing is available here.

A K2000 effect

To make a chase effect, we chose to manage the PORT C on which are mounted pins 30 to 37. For our chase, we have mounted only 6 LEDs:

a six LED maze

Sample code to handle a very simple chase:

: init-ddrc ( ---)      \ initialise PORTC en sortie sur tous les bits 
    $ff DDRC c!         \ active pins en sortie sur PORT C 
: scroll-avt ( ---)     \ effet scroll vers avant 
    $80 PORTC c!  100 ms    \ 10000000 
    $40 PORTC c!  100 ms    \ 01000000 
    $20 PORTC c!  100 ms    \ 00100000 
    $10 PORTC c!  100 ms    \ 00010000 
    $08 PORTC c!  100 ms    \ 00001000 
    $04 PORTC c!  100 ms    \ 00000100 

The values to be injected in the address pointed by PORTC are in hexadecimal. The equivalent values in binary are in comments. It clearly shows the "1" that shifts from left to right. It is this "1" that will light sequentially the LEDs if we execute scroll-avt. At the end of the chase, the last LED is still on. It is extinguished by hand for the moment:

0 PORTC c! 

Now that our LED has crawled from left to right, here's how the make come back:

: scroll-ret ( ---)     \ effet scroll vers arrière 
    $04 PORTC c!  100 ms 
    $08 PORTC c!  100 ms 
    $10 PORTC c!  100 ms 
    $20 PORTC c!  100 ms 
    $40 PORTC c!  100 ms 
    $80 PORTC c!  100 ms 

We check the functioning of this word by typing scroll-ret.

And we pack all this in an indefinite loop:

: boucle-scroll ( ---) 
    key? until 
    $00 PORTC c!  
K2000 effect like KITT

And our effect on the K2000 in its loop:

: k2000 ( ---) 
    key? until 
    $00 PORTC c!  

You test by typing k2000 and if everything is OK, your if LEDs make you a great chase effect to the K2000 ....

The complete listing is available here.

So far, we've only managed output information by turning on and off turning off LEDs. Now let's go to input information processing in the following chapter:
ARDUINO ports: manage a push button