\ spi-base-avr.txt 
\ Words to drive the SPI module on the ATmega328P 
\ PJ 31-Jan-2016 
marker -spi-base 
\ Registers of interest 
$24 constant ddrb 
$25 constant portb 
$4c constant spcr 
$4d constant spsr 
$4e constant spdr 
\ bit masks 
%000100 constant mSS ( PB2 ) 
%001000 constant mMOSI ( PB3 ) 
%010000 constant mMISO ( PB4 ) 
%100000 constant mSCK ( PB5 ) 
$80 constant mSPIF 
$40 constant mWCOL 
\ !SS is on PB2 
: spi.select ( -- ) mSS portb mclr ; 
: spi.deselect ( -- ) mSS portb mset ; 
: spi.init ( -- )  
  mSCK ddrb mset \ SCK as output 
  mSCK portb mclr \ clock idles low 
  mMOSI ddrb mset \ MOSI as output 
  mMISO ddrb mclr \ MISO as input 
  mMISO portb mset \ activate pull-up on MISO 
  mSS ddrb mset \ SS as output 
  mSS portb mset \ deselect 
  $51 spcr c! \ enable as master with cpolarity 0, cphase 0, fosc/16 
  $00 spsr c! \ SPI2X=0 for fosc/16 
  spsr c@ drop spdr c@ drop \ will clear SPIF 
: spi.close ( -- ) 
  $00 spcr c! 
: spi.wait ( -- ) begin mSPIF spsr mtst until ; 
: spi.cexch ( c1 -- c2 ) spdr c! spi.wait spdr c@ ; 
: spi.csend ( c1 -- ) spi.cexch drop ; 
: spi.test ( -- )  
  $1c spi.csend \ an arbitrary byte 