\ ********************************************************************* 
\    Filename:      asm.txt                                           * 
\    Date:          10.09.2019                                        * 
\    FF Version:    5.0                                               * 
\    MCU:           Atmega                                            * 
\    Copyright:     Mikael Nordman                                    * 
\    Author:        Mikael Nordman                                    * 
\ ********************************************************************* 
\    FlashForth is licensed acording to the GNU General Public License* 
\ ********************************************************************* 
\ FlashForth assembler for Atmega chips 
marker -as 
\ Combine the opcode with the operand fields 
: mask! ( dest1 opcode mask -- instruction ) 
    rot over invert and rot rot and or ; \ dest1&!mask src&mask or 
\ Fetch src and mask from addr and append to dictinary via mask 
: mask,  ( dest1 addr -- ) 
    2@ swap mask! i, ; 
\ Create name and data fields for opcode and mask in flash 
: create,, flash create , , ram ; 
: Rd,Rr:    ( Rd Rr opcode mask -- xxxz.xxrd.dddd.rrrr ) 
  does> >r 
    $1f and dup $5 lshift or $20f and  \ -- Rd r00000rrrr 
    swap $4 lshift $1f0 and            \ -- rr 0ddddd0000 
    or r> 2@ mask!              \ -- ddrr opcode mask mask! 
    dup $fc07 and $9000 = 
    if $efff and then i, ;             \ if Z or Y then z=0 
: Rd:        ( Rd opcode mask -- xxxx.xxxd.dddd.xxxx ) 
  does> >r  
    $4 lshift $1f0 and                 \ -- 0ddddd0000 
    r> mask, ; 
 \ Operands Rd,constant 8bit 
: Rd,k:     ( Rd k8 opcode mask -- xxxx.kkkk.dddd.kkkk ) 
  does> >r  
    $ff and dup $4 lshift or $f0f and  \ -- Rd kkkk0000kkkk 
    swap $4 lshift $f0 and             \ -- kk dddd0000 
    or r> mask, ;              \ kkdd opcode mask mask! to flash 
\ Operands Rd,Rr,constant 6bit 
: Rd,Rr+q:  ( Rd Rr k6 opcode mask -- xxkx.kkxd.dddd.rkkk ) 
  does> >r  
    $3f and dup $7 lshift                \ -- Rd Rr k6 xkkkkkkxxxxxxx 
    dup $1000 and $1 lshift or or $2c07 and  \ -- Rd Rr kxkkxxxxxxxkkk 
    rot $4 lshift $1f0 and              \ -- Rr kk ddddd0000 
    or swap 8 and                       \ -- kkdd rxxx 
    or r> mask, ;                 \ kkddrr opcode mask mask! to flash 
\ Operands Rw pair,constant 6bit 
: Rw,k:     ( Rw k6 opcode mask -- xxxx.xxxx.kkww.kkkk ) 
  does> >r  
    $3f and dup $2 lshift $c0 and      \ -- Rw k6 kk000000 
    swap $f and or                     \ -- Rw kk00kkkk 
    swap $4 lshift $30 and             \ -- kk ww0000 
    or r> mask, ;                      \ kkww opcode mask mask! to flash 
\ Operands P-port,bit 
: P,b:      ( P b opcode mask -- xxxx.xxxx.PPPP.Pbbb ) 
  does> >r  
    $7 and swap $3 lshift              \ -- 0bbb PPPPP000 
    or r> mask, ;                      \ PPbb opcode mask mask! to flash 
\ Operands Rd,P-port 
: Rd,P:     ( Rd P opcode mask -- xxxx.xPPd.dddd.PPPP ) 
  does> >r  
    $3f and dup $5 lshift or $60f and  \ -- Rd PP00000PPPP 
    swap $4 lshift $1f0 and            \ -- PP 00ddddd0000 
    or r> mask, ;                      \ ddPP opcode mask mask! to flash 
\ Operand k16 k6 
: k22:      ( k16 k6 opcode mask -- k16 xxxx.xxxk.kkkk.xxxk ) 
  does> >r  
    dup $1 and swap $3 lshift          \ -- 000k kkkkkk000 
    or r> mask,  i, ;                  \ k16 kk opcode mask mask! to flash 
\ Opcode only to flash 
: op:       ( opcode -- ) 
  flash create , ram does> @ i, ; 
0100 ff00 Rd,Rr: movw_  
: movw,   1 rshift swap        \ R0:1,R2:3,R4:5,..R30:31 
          1 rshift swap        \ 0 2 movw, R0:1<--R2:3 
          movw_ ;              \ Rd Rr -- 
9c00 fc00  Rd,Rr: mul,         \ Rd Rr -- 
0200 ff00  Rd,Rr: muls,        \ Rd Rr -- 
0300 ff88  Rd,Rr: mulsu,       \ Rd Rr -- 
0308 ff88  Rd,Rr: fmul,        \ Rd Rr -- 
0380 ff88  Rd,Rr: fmuls,       \ Rd Rr -- 
0388 ff88  Rd,Rr: fmulsu,      \ Rd Rr -- 
0400 fc00  Rd,Rr: cpc,         \ Rd Rr -- 
0800 fc00  Rd,Rr: sbc,         \ Rd Rr -- 
0c00 fc00  Rd,Rr: add,         \ Rd Rr -- 
1000 fc00  Rd,Rr: cpse,        \ Rd Rr -- 
1400 fc00  Rd,Rr: cp,          \ Rd Rr -- 
1800 fc00  Rd,Rr: sub,         \ Rd Rr -- 
1c00 fc00  Rd,Rr: adc,         \ Rd Rr -- 
2000 fc00  Rd,Rr: and,         \ Rd Rr -- 
2400 fc00  Rd,Rr: eor,         \ Rd Rr -- 
2800 fc00  Rd,Rr: or,          \ Rd Rr -- 
2c00 fc00  Rd,Rr: mov,         \ Rd Rr -- 
3000 f000  Rd,k: cpi,          \ Rd k -- 
4000 f000  Rd,k: sbci,         \ Rd k -- 
5000 f000  Rd,k: subi,         \ Rd k -- 
6000 f000  Rd,k: ori,          \ Rd k -- 
: sbr,    ori, ;               \ Rd k -- 
7000 f000  Rd,k: andi,         \ Rd k -- 
: cbr,    invert andi, ; 
e000 f000  Rd,k: ldi, 
8000 d200  Rd,Rr+q: ldd, ( Rd Rr q -- ) \ Rr={Z+,Y+}, 2 Y+ 3F ldd, 
8200 d200  Rd,Rr+q: std, ( Rr Rd q -- ) \ Rd={Z+,Y+}, Y+ 3F 2 std, 
9000 fe00  Rd,Rr: ld,  ( Rd Rr -- ) \ Rr={Z+,-Z,Y+,-Y,X+,-X,X,Y,Z} 
9000 fe0f  Rd: lds_ 
: lds,     swap lds_ i, ;       \ Rd k16 -- ) 
9004 fe0f  Rd,Rr: lpm,  ( Rd Rr -- ) \ Rr={Z,Z+}, 2 Z+ lpm, 
9006 fe0e  Rd,Rr: elpm,  ( Rd Rr -- ) \ Rr={Z,Z+} 
9200 fe00  Rd,Rr: st,  ( Rr Rd -- ) \ Rd={Z+,-Z,Y+,-Y,X+,-X,X,Y,Z} 
9200 fe0f  Rd: sts_ 
: sts, sts_ i,  ;        ( k16 Rd -- ) \ FFFF 2 sts, adr(FFFF)<--R2 
: lsl,    dup add, ;           \ Rd -- 
: rol,    dup adc, ;           \ Rd -- 
: tst,    dup and, ;           \ Rd -- 
: clr,    dup eor, ;           \ Rd -- 
: ser,    $ff ldi, ;           \ Rd -- 
900f fe0f  Rd: pop,            \ Rd -- 
920f fe0f  Rd: push,           \ Rd -- 
9400 fe0f  Rd: com,            \ Rd -- 
9401 fe0f  Rd: neg,            \ Rd -- 
9402 fe0f  Rd: swap,           \ Rd -- 
9403 fe0f  Rd: inc,            \ Rd -- 
9405 fe0f  Rd: asr,            \ Rd -- 
9406 fe0f  Rd: lsr,            \ Rd -- 
9407 fe0f  Rd: ror,            \ Rd -- 
9408 ff8f  Rd: bset,           \ Rd -- 
9488 ff8f  Rd: bclr,           \ Rd -- 
940a fe0f  Rd: dec,            \ Rd -- 
0000 op: nop,                  \ -- 
9508 op: ret,                  \ -- 
9518 op: reti,                 \ -- 
9588 op: sleep,                \ -- 
9598 op: break,                \ -- 
95a8 op: wdr,                  \ -- 
9409 op: ijmp,                 \ -- 
9419 op: eijmp,                \ -- 
9509 op: icall,                \ -- 
9519 op: eicall,               \ -- 
9488 op: clc,                  \ -- 
94d8 op: clh,                  \ -- 
94f8 op: cli,                  \ -- 
94a8 op: cln,                  \ -- 
94c8 op: cls,                  \ -- 
94e8 op: clt,                  \ -- 
94b8 op: clv,                  \ -- 
9498 op: clz,                  \ -- 
9408 op: sec,                  \ -- 
9458 op: seh,                  \ -- 
9478 op: sei,                  \ -- 
9428 op: sen,                  \ -- 
9448 op: ses,                  \ -- 
9468 op: set,                  \ -- 
9438 op: sev,                  \ -- 
9418 op: sez,                  \ -- 
9600 ff00  Rw,k: adiw,   ( Rw k6 -- ) \ 3 3F adiw, ZLH=ZLH+#3F 
9700 ff00  Rw,k: sbiw, 
9800 ff00   P,b: cbi,   \ P b -- 
9900 ff00   P,b: sbic,  \ P b -- 
9a00 ff00   P,b: sbi,   \ P b -- 
9b00 ff00   P,b: sbis,  \ P b -- 
b000 f800  Rd,P: inn,   \ Rd P -- 
b800 f800  Rd,P: out,   \ Rr P -- 
f800 fe08  Rd,Rr: bld,  \ Rd b -- 
fa00 fe08  Rd,Rr: bst,  \ Rd b -- 
fc00 fe08  Rd,Rr: sbrc, \ Rd b -- 
fe00 fe08  Rd,Rr: sbrs, \ Rd b -- 
940c fe0e   k22: jmp,   ( k16 k6 -- ) \ k6=0 for 16b addr 
940e fe0e   k22: call,  ( k16 k6 -- ) \ k6=0 for 16b addr 
: rjmp,   c000 f000  mask! i, ; ( k12 -- ) 
: rcall,  d000 f000  mask! i, ; ( k12 -- ) 
f008 constant cs,   \ if/until carry set 
f008 constant lo,   \ if/until lower 
f009 constant eq,   \ if/until zero 
f00a constant mi,   \ if/until negative 
f00b constant vs,   \ if/until no overflow 
f00c constant lt,   \ if/until less than 
f00d constant hs,   \ if/until half carry set 
f00e constant ts,   \ if/until T flag set 
f00f constant ie,   \ if/until interrupt enabled 
: not, 0400 xor ;   \ Invert the condition code 
: if, ( cc -- addr) i, [ ' if #8 + pfl - zfl d2/ jmp, ] ; 
: else, postpone else ; 
: then, postpone then ; 
: begin, postpone begin ; 
: until, ( addr cc -- ) i, postpone again ; 
: again, ( addr -- ) postpone again ; 
$00 constant Z 
$01 constant Z+ 
$02 constant -Z 
$08 constant Y 
$09 constant Y+ 
$0a constant -Y 
$0c constant X 
$0d constant X+ 
$0e constant -X 
00  constant R0 
01  constant R1 
02  constant R2 
03  constant R3 
04  constant R4 
05  constant R5 
06  constant R6 
07  constant R7 
08  constant R8 
09  constant R9 
0a  constant R10 
0b  constant R11 
0c  constant R12 
0d  constant R13 
0e  constant R14 
0f  constant R15 
10  constant R16 
11  constant R17 
12  constant R18 
13  constant R19 
14  constant R20 
15  constant R21 
16  constant R22 
17  constant R23 
18  constant R24 
19  constant R25 
1a  constant R26 
1b  constant R27 
1c  constant R28 
1d  constant R29 
1e  constant R30 
1f  constant R31 
1a  constant XL 
1b  constant XH 
1c  constant YL 
1d  constant YH 
1e  constant ZL 
1f  constant ZH 
01  constant XH:XL  \ XH:XL 3F adiw, sbiw, 
02  constant YH:YL 
03  constant ZH:ZL