AND ( n1 n2 --- n3)

Execute logic AND.


false  false and .  \ display 0
false  true  and .  \ display 0
true   false and .  \ display 0
true   true  and .  \ display -1

OR ( n1 n2 --- n3)

Execute logic OR.


false  false or  .  \ display 0
false  true  or  .  \ display -1
true   false or  .  \ display -1
true   true  or  .  \ display -1

XOR ( x1 x2 -- x3 )

Execute logic eXclusif OR.


false false xor .  \ display 0
false true  xor .  \ display -1
true  false xor .  \ display -1
true  true  xor .  \ display 0


The words AND, OR, and XOR perform operations binary bitwise logic on single-precision integers at the top of the data stack.

If you take other values than FALSE or TRUE, the result risk of not being the expected result:

hex 40 20 and .     \ display 0

However, this bitwise logical manipulation is interesting for managing ports on a microcontroller for example by managing mask bits.

Example, to separate a byte in distinct values:

3c 0f and .  \ display c  mask is 0F (00001111)

To recover the upper part of the byte:

3c f0 and . \ display 3  mask is F0 (11110000)

LSHIFT ( x1 u -- x2 )

Shift to the left of u bits by the value x1.


8 2 lshift .  \ display 32

RSHIFT ( x1 u -- x2 )

Right shift of the value x1 by u bits.


64 2 rshift .  \ display 16

INVERT ( x1 -- x2 )

Complement to one of x1. Acts on 16 or 32 bits depending on the FORTH versions.


1 invert .  \ display -2 (%1111111111111110)

DINVERT ( d1 -- d2 )

Bit inversion on 32 bits.