defPIN: high low output input pin@
defPin: ( PORTx mask --- <word> | <word> --- mask port)
Specific Flash Forth
The definition word defPIN:
allows to create a pseudo-constant which concatenates
in two bytes a port number and a binary mask. The word defPin:
is followed
of the pine mask to be defined. Example: PORTB %00000001 defPIN: RELAY1
creates the
word RELAY1
connected to PORT B, bit 0.
At runtime, the word defined by defPIN:
stacks the masking value and
port number. Example, running RELAY1
will stack 1 37.
Here is the definition of the word defPIN:
which you can use wherever
you will need to define a pin corresponding to a PORT:
: defPIN: ( PORTx mask --- <word> | <word> --- mask port) create c, c, \ compile PORT and min mask does> dup c@ \ push pin mask swap 1+ c@ \ push PORT ; \ Examples, for Arduino MEGA: eeprom PORTB %00010000 defPIN: SER \ PB4 -> pin 14 on the 75HC595 - dataPin PORTB %00100000 defPIN: RCLK \ PB5 -> pin 12 on the 75HC595 - latchPin PORTB %01000000 defPIN: SRCLK \ PB6 -> pin 11 on the 75HC595 - clockPin ram
Before using defPIN:
you must first define ports as constants.
The names of the constants and pseudo-constants created by defPIN:
are written in capital letters.
high ( mask PORTx ---)
toggles a bit high in a port register.
is a more explicit version than mset
Here is the definition of the word high
\ Turn a port pin on, dont change the others. : high ( pinmask portadr -- ) mset ;
low ( mask PORTx ---)
toggles a bit high in a port register.
is a more explicit version than mclr
Here is the definition of the word low
\ Turn a port pin off, dont change the others. : low ( pinmask portadr -- ) mclr ;
output ( mask PORTx ---)
The word output
allows to switch a bit in input mode on the register
DDR of the corresponding port. By default, all DDR registers are in input mode
when starting up ARDUINO cards.
Here is the definition of the word output
\ Set DDRx so its corresponding pin is output. : output ( pinmask portadr -- ) 1- high ;
input ( mask PORTx ---)
The word input
allow to switch a bit in input mode on the register
DDR of the corresponding port. By default, all DDR registers are in input mode
when starting up ARDUINO cards.
Here is the definition of the word input
: input ( pinmask portadr -- ) 1- low ;
pin@ ( mask PORTx ---)
The word pin@
retrieves the state of a bit in a data read register
PINx. Stacks -1 (true) if this bit is non-zero, stacks 0 if this bit is zero.
Here is the definition of the word pin@
\ read the pins masked as input : pin@ ( pinmask portaddr -- fl ) 2- mtst \ select PINx register as input if true else false then ;