*   */

* ( n1 n2 --- n3)

Integer multiplication of two numbers.


Notice: Undefined variable: str5 in /home/arduinofom/www/application/views/scripts/help/muldiv.phtml on line 13
<?php  = <<<EOT
6 3  *   \ push 18 operation 6*3
7 3  *   \ push 21 operation 7*3  
-7 3 *   \ push -21
7 -3 *   \ push -21
-7 -3 *  \ push 21

*/ ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 )

Multiply n1 by n2 producing the intermediate double-cell result d. Divide d by n3 giving the single-cell quotient n4.

5000 1000 4000 */ .    \ display    1250