[']   '   DEFER   IS   'EMIT   'KEY   'KEY?

['] ( --- <name>)

Can only be used in compilation.

Search for name and compile it's execution token. Example:

['] i2c.stream.tx is stream.action

Here, we compile the execution code of i2c.stream.tx.

' ( --- <name>)

Can only be used outside compilation.

Use similar to[']

Search for name and leave its execution token (address)

DEFER ( --- <vec-name>)

Define a deferred execution vector.

vec-name execute the word whose execution token is stored in vec-name's data space.

DEFER ( --- <word> | --- pfa-address)

Create a vectorized execution word. Example:


IS ( ---)

Affecte le code d'exécution d'un mot à un mot d'exécution vectorisée:

: vxEmit ( c ---)
    1+ emit ;
' vxEmit is xEmit

'EMIT ( -- addr)

Specific Flash Forth

User Variable. EMIT vector. TX0, TX1, TX2 or TXU.

'KEY ( -- addr)

Specific Flash Forth

User Variable. KEY vector. RX0, RX1, TX2, or RXU.

'KEY? ( -- addr)

Specific Flash Forth

User Variable. KEY? vector. RX0?, RX1?, TX2?, or RXU?