The word CREATE can be used alone:

CREATE DATAS  ( --- addr)
    25 c, 32 c, 44 c, 17 c,

The word after CREATE is created in the dictionary, here DATAS. The execution of the word thus created deposits on the data stack the memory address of the parameter zone. In this example, we have compiled 4 8-bit values. To recover them, it will be necessary to increment the address stacked with the value shifting the data to be recovered. In the example of DATAS, to get the value 44, we write:

DATAS 2 + C@   \ empile 44

Specific Flash Forth

With FlashForth, write explicitly to EEPROM when we usecreate:

: defPIN: ( PORTx mask --- <word> | <word> --- mask port)
        , ,             \ compile PORT and min mask
        dup @           \ push pin mask
        swap 2+ @       \ push PORT
\ définition LED.xx
PORTB $80 defPIN:
PORTB $40 defPIN: LED.yellow
PORTB $20 defPIN:

We execute the word flash before using the word defPIN:


The word CREATE can be used in a new word creation word...

Associated with DOES>, we can define words that say how a word is created then executed.

Example, on ARDUINO board, a "pin" is defined by the address of the port to which it is attached and the position of the bit in this register. We can thus define a word defPin as follows:

37 constant PORTB	\ Port B Data Register
36 constant DDRB	\ Port B Data Direction Register
35 constant PINB	\ Port B Input Pins
: defPin: ( PORTx mask --- <word> | <word> --- mask port)
        c, c,           \ compile PORT et masque du pin à définir
        dup c@          \ empile masque du pin
        swap 1+ c@      \ empile PORT du pin
eeprom  \ specific FLASH FORTH
PORTB %00000001 defPin: pin19
PORTB %00000010 defPin: pin20
PORTB %00000100 defPin: pin21
PORTB %00001000 defPin: pin22
PORTB %00010000 defPin: pin23
PORTB %00100000 defPin: pin24
PORTB %01000000 defPin: pin25
PORTB %10000000 defPin: pin26

Avec le mot defPin on a créé les huits mots pin19 à pin26. Chacun de ces mots va ensuite empiler l'adresse du registre PORTB du port B et le masque binaire qui détermine la position du pin dans ce registre.