List of articles
published: 1 April 2025 / updated 1 April 2025
- Lexicon of words FlashFORTH v5
- Installation
- FlashFORTH elements
- Assembleur / assembler
- Développement
- Why program in FORTH language on ARDUINO?
- Manage a connection between PHP and an Arduino board
- ARDUINO ports: turning on an LED
- Definition and management of PORT connections
- ARDUINO ports: manage a trafic light
- ARDUINO ports: K2000 maze
- ARDUINO ports: manage a push button
- Execute a hardware interrupt
- LED on and off by interruption
- ARDUINO ports: Management of a 7-segment display
- ARDUINO ports: Managing a 4 x 7 segment display
- Interrupted LED flashing
- The SPI interface: management of an 8x8 LEDS display
- Scrolling text on an 8x8 LEDS display
- Management of a 8x8 LED matrix by pixel
- Hacking an infrared remote control
- Hacking an rotary encoder
- Revisited management of traffic lights
- Management of the RTC DS1307 module
- Management of a 4 relay module
- The 74HC595 series-parallel converter
- An industrial automaton with fractal matrix
- Control a LED by PWM in 176 bytes
- Multi-tasking apps on ARDUINO
- Button management by multiplexing, first part
- Button management by multiplexing, second part
- Affichage / displays
- Exemples
- LORA transmission
- Serial / série
- Motors and drivers
- Cartes SD
- External links
- ressources ARDUINO et Forth
- Understanding binary coding with FORTH
- Binary manipulations in FORTH
- Learn the FORTH programming language
- Metacompilation
Examples of FORTH programs
- 100! The factorial of 100
- Zeller congruence in 176 bytes
- Tempus Fugit
- The ternary logic
- Infixed to postfixed notation converter
- Example of the use of infix notation
- The earthworker average
- Prouhet Thue Morse Suite
- The GRAY code
- Roman numerals
- Fraction operators
- L'étrange somme 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16... en FORTH
- affichage / displays
- LoRa
- relais / relays
- steppers
- The breadboards
- Rotary encoder
- Lecteur RFID RC522
- Module DS1307 RTC - real time clock
- The MAX7219 module - LED matrix 8x8
- Afficheur LCD 1602A
- The 74HC595 series-parallel converter
- Le L293D
- HC SR501 infrared motion detector
- The TTL/serial converter CP2102
- Module de gestion de cartes MicroSD